Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

C.J. decided to do a little baking for Valentine's day. Check out his video to see him in action.


  1. That was so cute!!!! How did you edit that??? Isabella is getting so cute and so big! Miss you and hope you're all doing great!

  2. You have to love a Mac! I just used iMovie on my computer. It only took me a few minutes to do it. I never thought I would would be a Mac person but the simplicity of the Apple apps allow even a computer dummy like me to accomplish some fun things.

  3. You've got quite the little chef! I'll bet he's on to souffles in no time and then you won't ever have to worry about cooking again! ;-) So precious.

  4. And one more comment... Isabella's picture... it's like the Cortés child signature look; there's no question whose baby she is! I love it!
